Hello OEHS Band and Color Guard Families,
We had a great first week back at school!. We are very excited by the student’s work and progress this week, we cannot wait for their next performances!
Wind Symphony Rehearsal
In preparation for our Symphony Center rehearsal, Wind Symphony will have an after school rehearsal on Thursday, February 6th. The time is TBD, but it will either be at 2:40pm-5pm, or 5pm-7pm.
New York City Trip Meeting - Wednesday, February 19th - 6pm
For students and families going on the New York City trip, we will have a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm. We would like all participating students and a parent/guardian represented at the meeting. This will be held in the OEHS Band Room.
Please plan to attend this meeting now, as we will be sharing important information and expectations at this meeting!
This Week
1/13 - Tri-M Meeting 2:30pm-3pm; Big Band 2:40pm-4pm; Jazz Band 4pm-5pm; Band Booster Meeting 6pm HERE
1/14 - No Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal; Jazz Ensemble opening for PEBB (see below) 6pm-9pm; Pep Band Game - Call Time 5:30pm
1/15 -
1/16 - Jazz Band 2:40pm-4pm; Big Band 4pm-5pm; Jazz Ensemble 5:30pm-8pm
1/17 - Pep Band Game - Call Time 5:30pm
1/18 - Elmhurst Honor Band (select students)
Next Week
1/20 - No School - No Jazz Rehearsals
1/21 - Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal 2:40pm-5pm
1/22 - Band Placement Auditions Due (in Google Classsroom)
1/23 - Jazz Band 2:40pm-4pm; Big Band 4pm-5pm; Jazz Ensemble 5:30pm-8pm
1/24 - Purdue Jazz Festival
1/25 - Purdue Jazz Festival
Upcoming Events
1/14 - Jazz Ensemble Opening for Pete Ellman Big Band at the Venue in Aurora
1/24-1/25 - Purdue Jazz Festival (Jazz Ensemble)
1/30-2/1 - ILMEA All-State (select students)
2/5 - Winter Jazz Concert (all jazz groups)
2/8 - Batavia Band Festival (CB, SW, and SB)
2/13 - Symphony Hall Performance
2/18 - SPC Band Festival (select students)
2/19 - NYC Trip Meeting - 6pm
2/22 - Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
2/25 - Band Concert (SW, SB, and WE)
2/26 - Band Concert (CB and WS)
3/1 -Jr. High Fine Arts Festival
3/8 - Elk Grove Percussion Ensemble Festival & Mundelein Jazz Festival
3/12 - OEHS Solo/Ensemble Festival
3/20-3/23 - OEHS Bands to NYC
Band Program News
Band Placement Auditions due January 22nd
All current OEHS Band Members received their band audition music a few weeks ago. All students in the band program must complete this audition, as it acts as our third quarter chair test and benchmark assessment. All students will video record their audition and submit it via the Google Classroom assignment.
Batavia Band Festival (Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, and Symphonic Band)
One of our most important performances of the year for our Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, and Symphonic Band is on Saturday, February 8th at Batavia High School. This date was communicated in the band handbook at the start of this school year. More information is coming soon, but here at tentative call times for each ensemble that day at OEHS. We will take a bus to Batavia High School.
Symphonic Winds
Call Time - 7:10am
Depart for Batavia - 7:30am
Perform - 8:50am
Return to OEHS - 10:45am
Concert Band
Call Time - 11am Rehearse at OEHS
Lunch - 12:30pm
Depart for Batavia - 1pm
Perform - 2:25pm
Return to OEHS - 5pm
Symphonic Band
Call time - 1:20pm
Depart for Batava - 1:30pm
Perform - 4:05pm
Return to OEHS - 6pm
Band Program News
Become a Music Patron!
Through our Music Patron program, families and businesses are able to donate to our band program. Funds raised go towards music, instrument purchases, instrument repairs, equipment, clinicians, travel, and much more. Those who make a donation will be listed on our band site, as well as appear in the concert programs.
Those who are patrons will also have the chance to reserve specific seats at our band concerts throughout the year, including priority access to seating for our winter concerts.
If interested in making a donation, you can do so via the OEHS Band Website at oswegoeastband.org from the home page!
If you would like to pay via cash/check, please fill out the music patron form HERE and send payment with your student to drop off in the band room mailbox or it can be dropped off at the front desk at OEHS with attention to Mr. Rexroat. All checks can be made payable to OEHS Band Boosters. Please indicate on the form that it is a music patron donation.
Private Teachers
Private lessons are the best way for students to get really awesome at their instrument! The individual attention is vital to student's musical growth. We have several teachers that can come in during the school day to teach students during their band class, guided study/freshmen seminar, or study hall. You can access the list of private teachers HERE.
If you would like to enroll your student in lessons, please email me, Mr. Sison, or Mr. Nelson and the private teacher, and we will figure it out!
Lessons are approximately $25-$30 per lesson, once a week.
Band Booster Update
Our next meeting is Monday, January 13th at 6pm HERE.
Our December meeting was cancelled due to schedule conflicts so there are no meeting minutes to share.
We are still in need of practice room volunteers. If you can help, please sign up HERE. If you have questions, let us know at bandboostersoehs@gmail.com
Jazz Band
Jazz Ensemble 1/14 - Opening for the Pete Ellman Big Band
Jazz Ensemble will be opening for the Pete Ellman Big Band on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30pm at “The Venue” in Aurora.. The Pete Ellman Big Band is a professional big band and we are so fortunate for the opportunity to share a performance with them! Oswego High School will also be opening with us and performing at 7:15pm.
Call Time & Transportation
Call time for students will be 6pm at “The Venue.” We are not taking a bus there, so please make arrangements to get there!
The address is 21 S Broadway, Aurora, IL 60505
Performance Time
We will be performing from 6:30pm-7pm, Oswego High School will perform 7pm-7:30pm, and the Pete Ellman Big Band will be performing from 7:30pm-9pm. It is expected that students stay until 9pm for the performance by the Pete Ellman Big Band. Mr. Rexroat will be playing on a piece with the Ellman Big Band during their set.
Students will wear all black with optional tie.
Cover Charge
There is a $10 cover charge for non-performing attendees at the Venue. It is recommended to reserve your spot in advance HERE.
The Venue has a drinks and snacks menu. You are welcome to bring your own food into the venue and can order food locally to be delivered.
Purdue Jazz Festival
Finally, Jazz Ensemble is competing at the Purdue Jazz Festival from January 24th through January 25th. We will be leaving immediately after school on the 24th. More information will be coming soon in this week's Friday update, but here is some general information.
Students will need to bring their luggage to school Friday morning and leave it in the band room on the side of the room.
Concert Attire
Jazz Ensemble students need to remember to bring their concert attire in their luggage. This includes, black shoes, black socks, black pants, black shirt, and an optional tie
Departure Time
We will be leaving for Purdue right away after school on Friday, January 24th.
Return Time
We should be returning to OEHS at approximately 10pm-10:30pm on Saturday, January 25th.
Performance Venue & Tickets
Jazz Ensemble performs on Saturday at 3pm in Fowler Hall at Stewart Center. The Jazz Combo performs at 9:30am in the Admissions Theatre at Stewart Center. The festival is free and open to the public if you plan to make the drive to watch our performance!
Money for Food
Students will need to bring money for dinner on Friday and breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday (3 meals). Please plan accordingly.
We will be staying at the Courtyard Marriott located at:
150 Fairington Ave
Lafayette, IN 47905
Jazz Handbooks & Fees
All jazz handbooks and fees are past due! Please fill out the jazz handbook agreement form HERE and pay the pushcoin fee HERE.
Marching Band News
Thank you for a great season!
Marching Band 2025-2026 Save The Date
Our summer dates for next year’s marching band are now available HERE. Please review these dates. If your student plans to do marching band next season, we respectfully ask that your family not travel during these dates and plan vacations so as not to conflict.